why we love the Volley

One of the positive effects of the independent beer revolution that we’re most thankful for, is the modern reinterpretation of the traditional British pub. In Bristol, this is epitomised by the Famous Royal Navy Volunteer (it’s full, slightly unwieldy name) or just The Volley (as it is affectionately known to locals).

We love The Volley for its commitment to small UK breweries, displayed proudly on their huge wooden beer boards (developed during a previous Bristol Beer Week). We love that they have retained the pub’s best original features, whilst bringing them into the 21st century; with modern British food, regular beer related events and the best customer service.  

Bristol is the home of the craft beer movement in the South West and BRISTOL BEER WEEK is the one time of the year where we really get to see this. As a venue, Beer Week encourages us to push the boundaries, bring in new and exciting beers and provide events that people from far and wide can enjoy. It brings Bristol’s best craft beer establishments, breweries and beer enthusiasts together for a fun filled week of crafty goodness.

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