Still not sold out

It’s the seventh year of Bristol Beer Week and still no one has paid me thousands of pounds for the brand rights. It’s, frankly, an outrage. It leaves me with no choice but to announce that another year of Bristol based beer shenanigans will take place from Friday 13 September to the following Sunday, without the large corporate sponsor that I am more than prepared to sell out to.

Joking aside (because, let’s be honest, I’m not very funny), there will be a very last minute Bristol Beer Week happening this year. The reasons for the lack of planning are mainly personal and, because Bristol Beer Week isn’t about me (well, not anymore anyway), I won’t go into it. Local breweries are keen for things to happen, so the force of nature that is Bristol’s beer scene will guide everything along nicely I’m sure.

As last year, things will kick off with the Bristol Brewery Open Doors Day on Saturday 14th, which is a sort of East Bristol Brewery Trail with the ‘East’ removed. It’s a good opportunity for everyone to get involved and, hopefully, provide something beery in your local area. A bunch of (mostly unplanned) things will then happen throughout the rest of the weekend, mid-week and second weekend. Because when has Bristol Beer Week ever been a week (erm, last year I think).

The volume of breweries, tap rooms, restaurants, bars and pubs that are pushing the Bristol beer scene 365 days a year is such that Bristol Beer Week doesn’t feel quite as ‘necessary’ as it did in 2013. But it’s still nice to set aside some time for self-aggrandisement and back-patting because we all need to love ourselves a bit more don’t we! So let’s do some beer stuff.  

Steve, founder

A list of events will follow in the news section.